Anakku sayang,
kuingat ketika kau perkenalkan teman wanitamu kepada ibu
ada binar aneh dalam matamu
binar itu tak pernah ibu temui
selama puluhan tahun ibu membesarkanmu
meski kau gembira saat kau dulu dapat berjalan
tak ada binar itu
meski kau lega saat khitanmu telah sembuh
tak ada binar itu
meski kau bangga saat terdaftar di universitas yang kau idamkan
tak ada binar itu
meski kau telah lulus dan berhak menyandang gelar yang kau cita-citakan
tak kujumpai binar itu
ibu bertanya-tanya
binar apa itu ?
yang memancar ketika menceritakan
siapa dan bagaimana teman wanitamu
Ah, ibu tahu.
itulah binar cinta
sama seperti binar mata ayahmu
saat meminta ibu untuk jadi teman hidupnya
Anakku sayang,
binar itu makin berkilat-kilat
saat kau minta ibu ke rumah teman wanitamu
kau telah bertekad menjadi teman hidupnya
Ah, angan ibu melayang-layang
ingat saat ayahmu melamar ibu
dan binar mata yang berkilat-kilat ada juga di mata ayahmu saat itu
Anakku sayang,kini kau telah bersanding dengan teman wnaitamu
di matamu ada wajahnya dan di matanya ada wajahmu
katakan padanya
ibu juga mencintainya
sama dan seimbang seperti ibu mencintaimu
kalau dia belahan jiwamu
maka dia juga belahan jiwa ibu
karena anakku,
sampai kapanpun
engkau tetap menjadi belahan jiwa ibu
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
yudhi ferraro
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Let's write again
I finally found my user name and password for this blog
It seems like a very long time since the last update on my blog
My focus at the beginning was on how I can start writing again after stopping, and how I can persist when life seems to crowd out writing time. I wanted to think about how to put a writing practice in place and sustain it, and share that on my blog
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
It seems like a very long time since the last update on my blog
My focus at the beginning was on how I can start writing again after stopping, and how I can persist when life seems to crowd out writing time. I wanted to think about how to put a writing practice in place and sustain it, and share that on my blog
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
Monday, August 27, 2012
Five reasons why astronomy is cool
It’s beautiful
If you go out on a dark moonless night,
you will immediately know what I mean. The Milky Way, stretching its
jagged course across the heavens, is quite a sight to behold. The
constellations, particularly the winter constellations, have an elegance
and familiarity to them. The Moon is also an appealing object, with its
ever changing phases and frequent conjunctions with other planets in
the sky. Through a small telescope, planetary disks, galaxies, nebulae
and open clusters come into view, often startling in their majesty.
Of course, the beauty of the universe is
not limited to what is immediately visible to our eyes. Deep space
objects, seen through the largest of telescopes, are candidates for some
of the most beautiful things ever seen by human eyes. Who could not
fail to be impressed by the wonderful Hubble photos of the Crab and
Eagle nebulas, or the views of the outer planets and moons from space
probes such as Voyager and Cassini? To see for yourself, each day NASA
publishes it’s Astronomy Picture of the Day. Few images ever fail to impress.
It’s extreme.
Nothing can be taken for granted about
space. Most of it is unimaginably cold, interspersed occasionally by
blisteringly hot stars with coronal temperatures of millions of degrees.
Almost everything is racing around at breakneck speed: barreling
through space at velocities of hundreds or thousands of kilometers a
second relative to us. That’s enough to cause quite an impact if we were
to get in their way. All around us catastrophic convulsions are taking
place, with vast explosions and unconscionably high energies. This is a
Universe of supernovas, neutron stars, magnetars, pulsars and Gamma Ray
Bursts – beams of high energy radiation that would eliminate all life on
our planet in an instant were our Earth unfortunate enough to stray too
close. Black holes exist that can compress the mass of whole stars into
volumes a few kilometers wide, creating gravitational fields that
nothing, not even light itself, can escape from.
This is the stuff of childhood fantasies.
Superpowers. Forcefields. Instantaneous death. The destruction of
worlds. It is no wonder that space features so prominently in the minds
of the young.
It ignites our curiosity.
Astronomy confronts us with some of the
biggest and most challenging problems about the nature of ourselves and
the fabric of reality. As a science, it has lead the way in overturning
ancient notions of how nature should behave. At one time we believed
ourselves to be at the centre of the Universe, with all objects,
including the Sun, revolving around the Earth. Astronomers through the
ages slowly revealed a different truth. Our star and our home planet are
among countless billions in a very ancient Universe. Everything we do
ultimately only affects an infinitesimally small piece of real-estate in
the cosmos. This discovery, while deeply humbling, is enlightening. It
tells us that we will never know everything. Our quest for knowledge is
unlimited. We are ants in a cathedral, and what a cathedral it is.
The study of the stars and planets has
pushed out the frontiers of knowledge in every direction. It’s
contribution to science and mathematics cannot be underestimated.
Without astronomy, the modern world as we know it would not exist.
Astronomy continues to confound us and guide us right to this day.
Gigantic accelerators are busy smashing sub-atomic particles into
smithereens to gain greater insights into the nature of matter because
objects in space do not always behave the way our current scientific
models expect them to. Astronomy has revolutionised our understanding of
nature and it will continue to do so.
It tells us about our past.
When you look into space, at any star you
care to mention, you are looking into history. You are not seeing the
star as it is now, but as it was when the photons of light left its
photosphere many years ago. If you can find the Andromeda Galaxy in the
sky, you are getting a picture of how it looked two million
years ago, long before humans ever roamed our planet. The largest
telescopes can see back billions of years ago, to galaxies in their
infancy, still in the process of being formed.
History is about ourselves, how we got
here, why things are how they are. Astronomy opens history even further
by explaining the origins of our planet, our sun, our galaxy – even
providing insights into our Universe and how it all started some 13 odd
billion years ago.
Astronomy is fascinating even when applied
to our own modest human story. We have had an intense relationship with
the stars and planets for thousands of years. It guided the ancient
cycles of sowing and harvesting. It provided the raw material for belief
systems, rituals and religions. It contributed to our language. It
assisted with navigation and discovery. In living memory, we have
witnessed men walking on the Moon and robot probes being flung out of
the solar system – events likely to be celebrated for millennia to come.
Our relationship with the stars has shaped the culture of today.
It’s our future.
Astronomy is important to our future, from
the short term to the distant long term. Over the coming decades,
private companies will take over much of the heavy lifting formerly
associated with government agencies such as NASA and ESA. This will
create new jobs and new wealth. Bigger telescopes and better equipment
will provide insights into reality that will stretch our technological
capabilities. Over the coming centuries perhaps we will explore and
colonise deep space for ourselves, using technologies yet undreamt of.
In the end, billions of years from now, our sun will expand, frying
everything on this planet before diminishing in size itself, its fuel
spent, its job done.
Perhaps there is a large asteroid or comet
out there in space with our name on it. Perhaps our planet will
eventually turn against us, forcing us to find a new home. Perhaps we
will find a way to cross the enormous gulfs separating us from other
stars in our galaxy. All of these possibilities lead us to the
conclusion that the stars will feature prominently in the future of the
human race.
Astronomy is available to all, from the
small child with his toy rocketship, to the octogenarian peering through
her telescope at a crater on the Moon. Few endeavours are so wide in
scope, so rich in detail, or so marvelous in implication. I invite you
to join in.
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
kupu-kupu tidak pernah tau apa warna sayapnya
tetapi orang-orang tau betapa indahnya mereka
seperti juga dirimu, kamu tidak tau indahnya dirimu
tapi TUHAN paling mengerti betapa istimewanya engkau dimata-NYA
ketika engkau taat di hadapan-NYA
ikhlas dengan semua yang kau alami
tetap tersenyum dalam masa sukar
dan coba selalu merasa dan merayakan setiap hari dengan syukur
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
tetapi orang-orang tau betapa indahnya mereka
seperti juga dirimu, kamu tidak tau indahnya dirimu
tapi TUHAN paling mengerti betapa istimewanya engkau dimata-NYA
ketika engkau taat di hadapan-NYA
ikhlas dengan semua yang kau alami
tetap tersenyum dalam masa sukar
dan coba selalu merasa dan merayakan setiap hari dengan syukur
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
renungan hidup..
Tulisan diambil dari Kaskus.
Pengen nangis baca ini.. :(
Tuhan, terima kasih untuk semua rezeki Mu, kamu begitu baik padaku..
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
Gan, ane cuma mau sharing aja..(Source:
mohon sempetin baca ampe abis kalo agan berkenan..
barusan ane istirahat makan di kantor ane,kebetulan kantor ane di daerah yang lumayan ‘minus’ sih gan.. kalo agan-agan yang ada di Jakarta mungkin tau daerah Stasiun Kota kaya gimana.
Banyak pengemis, gelandangan dan orang-orang yang tingkat kehidupannya (maaf) dibawah kesejahteraan.
Sebelum nyari makan, ane beli rokok dulu gan biar tar abis makan ga bingung nyari rokok.. Ane nyalain satu batang..
Sambil ngerokok ane jalan buat nyari tempat yang enak buat duduk dan makan.
sampe akhirnya ane nemu sebuah tempat yang menurut ane enak dan teduh,ane celingukan soalnya semua tempat duduk uda dipake orang-orang.
Di sela-sela celingukan ane, seorang bapak tua bilang ke ane:
“Silakan pak, disini aja duduk sama saya” katanya..
ane iyain aja gan, meskipun rada panas tapi yang ada cuman disitu doang..
Ane perhatiin bapak itu gan, orangnya uda tua banget, kurus, giginya uda ompong,rambutnya uda putih semua, bawa-bawa tas besar ama kresek isinya plastik-plastik gitu..
Ane ga sempat foto gan,ga enak juga kalo ane moto2, tar dikira apaan..
Dimulailah obrolan ane ama bapak itu gan
Ane : A
Bapak: B
A: lagi nunggu apa pak?
B: nggak mas, ini cuma duduk-duduk aja abis cari sampah seharian.. capek..
A: Jalan dari jam brapa pak?
B: dari pagi mas, uda lumayan banyak dapetnya ini..
A: oohhh…
Obrolan sempat brenti bentar gan, ane nikmatin rokok, bapaknya ngerapiin plastik2nya gitu..
Sampe pada akhirnya ane liat si Bapak pijet2in kepalanya gitu sambil hela napas panjang..
A: pusing ya pak? siang2 panas gini emang bikin pusing..
B: (ketawa kecil) iya mas.. agak pusing kepala saya..
A: bapak ngerokok? ini kalau bapak mau.. (sambil ane sodorin rokok ane yang tinggal sebatang)
B: nggak mas makasih, saya nggak ngerokok.. sayang uangnya,mending buat makan daripada beli rokok.. lagian ga bagus juga buat badan.
Dalem ati gw rada tertohok juga gan..
A: iya juga sih pak.. (nginjek rokok ane)
Abis itu gw denger suara perut gan.. *kruuuuukk* gitu..
gw spontan noleh ke arah si bapak.
A: Bapak belum makan pak?
B: (senyum) belum mas, aga nanti mungkin..
A: wah, tar tambah pusing pak?
B: iya mas, saya udah biasa kok..
ga lama, kedengeran lagi bunyi perutnya gan..
A: Bapak beneran ga mau makan pak?
B: iya mas,nanti aja…
gw uda ngerasa kalo bapak ini bukannya ga mau makan gan,tapi beliau ga punya uang buat makan..
A: bentar ya pak, saya ke warung dulu pesen makan..
B: oh.. iya mas, silakan..
ane nyamperin tukang nasi padang terdekat, ane pesen buat ane sendiri ama ane inisiatif beliin nasi ma ayam buat si bapak. Selese pesen, ane bawa tu nasi dua piring ke tempat duduk tadi, trus duduk..
Ane mau langsung ngasi tapi kok ane takut kalo bapaknya salah tangkep ato tersinggung gan, jadi ane akting dikit..
Ane pura-pura dapet telpon dari temen ane
A: (pura2 telpon) yaaah? ga jadi kesini? uda gw beliin nih… ooohh.. gitu… yauda deh gapapa..
*belaga tutup telpon*
A: wah payah nih temen saya,uda dibelikan makanan ternyata ga jadi..
B: (senyum) ya ga papa mas,dibungkus aja nanti bisa dimakan sore..
A: wah, keburu basi pak kalo nanti sore.. dimakan sekarang pasti ga abis.. gimana ya? mmmm… Bapak kan belum makan siang,ini makanan daripada sayang ga ada yang makan gimana kalo bapak aja yang makan pak? nemenin saya makan sekalian pak..
B: waduh mas, saya ga punya uang buat bayarnya..
tepat dugaan ane, dalem ati..
A: gapapa pak, makan aja.. saya bayarin dah! saya lagi ulang taun hari ini..(bo’ong)
B: wah.. beneran ga papa mas? saya malu..
A: lho? ngapain malu pak? udah bapak makan aja..
B: iya mas, selamat ulang tahun ya mas..
A: iya pak.. bapak mau mesen minum sekalian nggak? saya mau pesen..
B: nggak mas.. nggak usah..
Ane manggil tukang minuman, ane mesen 2 es teh manis..
B: lho mas? saya nggak pesen..
A: iya pak, saya beli dua.. haus banget soalnya..(ane bo’ong lagi gan)
Tanpa gw duga gan, si bapak netes aermatanya.. beliau ngucap syukur berkali kali.. beliau ngomong ke ane..
B: mas, saya makasih sudah dibelikan makanan.. saya belum makan dari kemarin sebetulnya. cuma saya malu mas, saya inginnya beli makan sama uang sendiri karena saya bukan pengemis.. saya sebetulnya lapar sekali mas, tapi saya belum dapet uang hasil nyari sampah..
Ane tertegun denger omongan beliau gan, ga sadar ane ikut ngerasa perih banget dalem ati.. nyesek banget dalem ati ane,ane secara ga sadar hampir netesin aermata.. tapi ane berlagak cool..
A: yauda, bapak makan aja nasinya.. nanti kalau kurang saya pesankan lagi ya pak? jangan malu-malu..
B: (masi nangis) iya mas.. makasih banyak ya mas.. nanti yang diatas yang bales..
A: iya pak makasi doanya..
Akhirnya ane makan berdua ama beliau,sambil cerita-cerita..
dari cerita beliau ane tau kalo beliau punya dua anak, yang atu uda meninggal karena kecelakaan. yang atunya uda pergi dari rumah ga pulang-pulang udah 3 tahun. istri beliau uda meninggal kena kanker tahun lalu. dan parahnya lagi rumahnya diambil ama orang kredit gara-gara ga bisa ngelunasin uang pinjaman buat ngobatin istrinya..
Miris banget ane dengerin cerita beliau gan, sebatang kara, ga punya rumah, anaknya durhaka, jarang makan.. malah beliau crita pernah dipalak preman waktu mulung di jakarta..
Rasanya ane beruntung banget ama kondisi ane sekarang, ane nyesel pernah ngeluh tentang kerjaan ane, tentang kondisi kosan ane, dsb.. sedangkan bapak ini dengan kondisi yang serba kekurangan masih selalu tersenyum..
rasanya sepiring nasi padang dan segelas es teh yang ane kasi ga setimpal banget ama pelajaran yang ane dapet..
tadi ane belum ambil uang, jadi ane cuma ngasi seadanya kembalian dari warung padang ke bapak itu,itupun pake eyel2an dulu ma bapaknya soalnya beliau ga mau dikasi uang. tapi akhirnya dengan sedikit maksa ane kasi uang ke beliau. ane didoain banyak banget ama bapak tadi..
Dan ada satu hal yang bikin ane tercengang waktu mau ninggalin tempat tadi..
sambil jalan ane noleh ke belakang, si bapak udah ga ada.. ane cariin bentar,ternyata si bapak ada di depan kotak amal masjid masukin duit ke dalem kotakan itu!
gw makin tersentuh ma beliau.. di tengah-tengah kesulitan yang beliau alami, beliau masi sempet amal! berbagi dengan orang lain..
Ane mewek gan.. ane ngerasa kecil banget sebagai manusia.. ane ngerasa ditunjukin sesuatu yang bener-bener hebat!
Ane berdoa semoga bapak itu dilancarkan segala urusannya, diberi kemudahan dan rejeki berlimpah, dan selalu berada dalam lindungan Tuhan..
Pengen nangis baca ini.. :(
Tuhan, terima kasih untuk semua rezeki Mu, kamu begitu baik padaku..
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
Saturday, August 6, 2011
city of love
paris, france
meiringen, switzerland
reutlingen, germany
reutlingen, germany
brussels, belgium
venice, italy
rome, italy
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
I like the smell of rain
It is one of my favorite smells in the world, I love it, of course nothing can capture the true essence of it, especially morning rain :)not sure why, it smells so fresh and nice, but it depends on the time, and I like standing in the rain if it's a nice summer night and all the lights are on and anyway it's probably one of the best smells ever :)
Posted by Yudhi Ferraro
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
because sometimes you just want fruit
The Healthiest Fruit with Antioxidant Fruit Benefits
1. Apples, with the skin, provide pectin, 5 grams of fiber and a heaping dose of flavonoid antioxidants. Apple fiber helps lower cholesterol and keep you regular. And the powerful flavonoids reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer. A medium apple has about 80 calories.
2. Apricots are a good source of vitamins A, C and E, potassium, iron and carotenoids. The lycopene found in apricots helps protect your eyes and prevent heart disease, LDL cholesterol oxidation and certain cancers – especially skin cancer. And the fiber in apricots helps relieve constipation. Plus 1 apricot has only 19 calories.
3. Bananas are a great source of potassium (about 400 mg), which helps lower your risk of high blood pressure and stroke and plays a key role in muscle function. Bananas are delicious and sweet to eat, making them a good sugar substitute and natural energy source. The fiber in bananas helps restore normal bowel action. A medium size banana has around 108 calories.
4. Berries are super high in powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C. Numerous studies show berries offer great protection against heart disease stroke, cancer and many other diseases.
- Blueberries top the antioxidant fruit benefits list. Besides other health benefits, blueberries help prevent high blood pressure, macular degeneration and brain damage leading to Alzheimer’s disease. 1 cup of blueberries has 81 calories and 4 grams of fiber.
- Blackberries – a single cup of blackberries has 74 calories and a whopping 10 grams of fiber.
- Raspberries – there are 60 calories in 1 cup of raspberries with 8 grams of fiber.
- Strawberries – 1 cup of sliced strawberries has 50 calories and 4 grams of fiber.
5. Cantaloupes are packed with Vitamin C, potassium and carotenoid antioxidants. Cantaloupe can help reduce inflammation, prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease, boost immunity and help protect your skin from sunburn. Half a melon has 97 calories and 2 grams of fiber.
6. Cherries are very high in iron and disease-fighting flavonoids. They also have potassium, magnesium, C and E, folate and heart-protective carotenoids. Cherries can significantly reduce inflammation, arthritic pain, bad cholesterol and cancer risk. 1 cup of cherries has 88 calories.
7. Citrus Fruits are best known for flavor, juiciness and high vitamin C content. But they’re also a good source of folate, fiber and other antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Citrus fruit has been shown to help reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of some types of cancer.
- Pink or Red Grapefruit – half a grapefruit has just a scant 47 calories.
- Oranges provide an impressive 50 to 70 mg of vitamin C and a medium orange has only 68 calories.
- Lemons and Limes – 1 lime or small lemon has about 17 calories.
9. Papayas are loaded with vitamin C, folate, carotenoids and natural digestive enzymes that help with protein digestion. 1 cup of cubed papaya has 55 calories.
10. Red Grapes contain iron, potassium, fiber and an abundance of powerful disease-fighting antioxidants. Although red wine gets most of the publicity, dark colored grapes are the original source of the flavonoids, anthocyanins and resveratrol, which have been shown to help prevent heart disease and cancer. 1 cup of red or purple grapes has 60 calories.
listen to your heart
- Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani [Fayuz E Yazdani]
at night, at the base of the Eiffel Tower, the giant steel structure comes alive! street artists and souvenir sellers mingle with crowds gazing skyward toward the surprisingly lacy-appearing structure. yes, it’s touristy, but it is also quintessential Paris
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
-maya angelou-
-maya angelou-
beluga whale
Have you seen it before?
This is one of mammal that i love so much! Beluga is a white whale that lived in Arctic and Sub-Arctic area. It is up to 5 m (16 ft) in length and an unmistakable all-white color with a distinctive protuberance on the head. The other funny thing about Beluga is, it can flip its neck 180 degree.
In the spring, the beluga moves to its summer grounds: bays, estuaries and other shallow inlets. These summer sites are discontinuous. A mother usually returns to the same site year after year. As its summer homes clog with ice during autumn, the beluga moves away for winter. Most travel in the direction of the advancing icepack and stay close its edge for the winter months. Others stay under the icepack.
Belugas can be playful, they may spit at humans or other whales. It is not unusual for an aquarium handler to be drenched by one of his charges. Funny huh? :D
Belugas eat some of marine animals such as crab, squid, and fish. The other reason that i love this mammal is they are highly sociable, and they are look like always smiling.
Have some interest? May be you can find more in Mr. Wiki ;)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Crux and the Milky Way from Easter Island
The constellation Crux or Southern Cross, shown at extreme top center above, lies within the stream of stars that makes up the Milky Way (lower left to top center). For the Southern Hemisphere, this is one of two constellations new to the GLOBE at Night campaign. The sky above Easter Island, where the image was taken, is so dark there’s a wealth of stars visible to the naked eye. However, for at least half of the world's population that lives in cities, the brightest stars in a constellation may be the only ones they can see because of light polluted skies.
The GLOBE at Night campaign asks the public to be citizen scientists during its two-week campaign and to make very easy measurements of the night sky brightness. First, you stand outside for ten minutes to allow your eyes to becomeadapted to the dark, so that you can see the stars better. Next, you match the appearance of a constellation (Leo in the Northern Hemisphere and Crux or Leo in the Southern Hemisphere) with simple star maps of progressively fainter stars. Then you submit your measurements online; including the date, time and location of your observation. After all the campaign’s observations are submitted, the project’s organizers will release a map of light-pollution levels worldwide. These measurements are used for research later in comparison to wildlife, health, energy consumption and cost, among other things.
Starting this year, citizen scientists can also submit their measurements in real time if they have a smart phone or tablet. The web application for this can be found here. With smart phones and tablets, the location, date and time are put in automatically. As always, the campaign urges people to take more than one measurement. To help with that, the campaign is piloting a new program called "Adopt-A-Street". The aim is for people to adopt a different major or semi-major street and take measurements every mile or so for the length of the street (or for as long as they can). The resulting grid of measurements of the city will help scientists, governments, policy makers, and individuals to track and address light pollution issues.
Please consider joining the campaign from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. local time March 22 through April 4 in the Northern Hemisphere and March 24 through April 6 in the Southern Hemisphere. Your measurements will make a world of difference. Note that the Large Magellanic Cloud is at lower right. At bottom, in silhouette, are the mysterious Easter Island stone statues (Moai).
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